There were 19 factors to search in order to help this cancer patient. They included finding the best consultants (Oncologists) with ratings and full listings, the best primary care doctors for a referral to the Oncologist with ratings and full listings, local hospices with ratings and complete lists, health news, health info, complete drugstore listings, health videos and more . The winner would be determined primarily based on the standard of the results, best use of time and simplicity of use for the non-tech savvy, busy Mom. The YourCity OneCick Find Engine found everything required in just 10 seconds ; beating all competitors by at least an hour, normally.
The so-called “Big Dog” Search Monsters including Google, Bing, WebMd, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Ask and Dogpile had absolutely no chance. “Search Technology is being redefined by the YourCity 's new “One-Click Find Engine”. The state-of-the-art technology nearly pre-searches a users health wants and matches those needs to “all” the local and global resources in any community, with ratings, in just seconds.” stated CFO, JB Benza. . The HS students re-enacted the search competition in their 2 minute video, with an attempt to be humorous. The overacted video won't be funny but it exactingly represents the result of this challenge.
Said “Our new patent pending Find Engine is changing the way patients, doctors, Realtors and scholars search for significant and relevant information on the internet. Now the best doctors, dentists, chiropractic therapists, facilities and services can be discovered in a matter of a couple of seconds with ratings, in any town, matched to a users condition, symptom or disease, in just One-Click. The old search technology still being utilised by most search sites, require viewers to sort through millions of unrelated results to find relevant resources. Those hurdles are just about eliminated with a search. We do plan to take this technology to other industries but are concentrating on healthcare and medical for the present. We believe thousands of Realtors picked up this free tool for their web sites so they could help their clientele and give themselves a leg up, on their competition.” . Real Trends story : realtrends news release titled, “New Technology Makes Relocation Simple”. “The real estate industry is taking notice of a new online tool in the relocation arena.
YourCity is a single-stop shop for folks new to a community to find their medical care providers together with peer reviews. As an agent or broker you've got the chance to utilise their free services in the form of a widget on your internet site. Quality, handy, and correct info isn't just a good way to benefit your customers but increase the traffic on your website.” wrote RealTrends. Benza added, “We made a decision to take a play from the old Google playbook, when they powered Yahoo searches. It certainly failed to hurt Google. You can find the code to add the widget to any website at YourCity and YourCity will even customize it for you, at absolutely no cost. “.