R1Soft Debuts New Backup Software Product, Opportunity for Self-Managed Hosting Suppliers | canon resetter tool.

<!–ACNTPAdvanced Edition's feature set – all the way down to automatable install – enables hosting suppliers to bring maximum CDP information protection to the largest number of shoppers achievable. Product design eliminates the necessity for extra CDP servers and the resources wanted to run them. Users can schedule their own backups and restores and, for further convenience, info backups can be stored or backed up on a second hard disk or network-attached storage (CIFS / NFS). The software uses R1Soft's unique asynchronous replication technology to make virtual full backups. After generating an initial reproduction of the info, CDP tracks only new changes and periodically copies them into new recovery points. Any single recovery point represents a virtual full backup and can be used both in individual file revives and Bare-Metal system revives news release distribution Recognized as the leading commercial backup software in hosted services, R1Soft CDP is at present utilized by over one thousand Cloud substructure providers and protects more than 200,000 servers worldwide . R1Soft is a division of BBS Technologies, Inc.ACNTPEND–>

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