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Obvious Dental Lab Software Identifies Northern US Dental Labs Production Levels Plateau Due To Old Business Models

Posted on September 29, 2011 | in Online Movie | by


As a dental lab grows it employs more experts and administration staff to handle increased demand. As the number of workers grows it can be difficult to know which case is where, if it is on schedule and if it will get to the dentist at the agreed time. Indicators that a dental lab is moving into the new level of demand that needs a revision of business practices include :

  • Raised rates of late cases
  • Loss of customers
  • Not knowing where a case is when a dentist calls to enquire on its progress
  • Constantly having to recalculate schedule dates
  • Sudden increase in remakes
  • Cases being sent to the incorrect dentist
  • Increased worker turnover

These signals are all related. Info processing is the most notable difference between extra stress with every new case and customer the dental lab acquires and a system that scales with demand. So how does a dental lab that's experiencing these indicators undertake this new business design to satisfy the projected demand of 2015? . A dental lab needs the following information processing to do the new level of demand :

  • Case tracking that will meticulously inform the dental lab and dentist of where a case is at any time
  • A case manager's system that supplies the dentist with a return date that is founded upon the current level of work in the dental lab
  • A scheduling system that permits work to be allocated to engineers so the suitable amount of attention and time is given to supply the case
  • The automated creation of alerts that can't be missed when a schedule stage has not been met, including having not receiving the case from the dental practice

When building a business model the end result ought to be the focus.

As a dental lab makes the shift from making quality restorations to handling the producing process and delivery of quality work, a established info system should be incorporated to guarantee shopper retention and tolerable growth. Dental labs need automated scheduling and info management software during these times. A dental lab management software system tracks cases from the dental practice to the laboratory, thru the production stages of the lab and back. Each stage of the method is measured and reportable to give the dental lab the facility to address areas of its business model that need improvement. Clear dental lab software media release distribution is there for dental laboratories at all phases of the business cycle, from start-up, growth, consolidation and sale. Clear is available to dental laboratories in North America and is dedicated to making improvements to the business of its buyers.

To address the requirements of the Evident shoppers, Evident has made a complete audit system that permits the user to know what happened, at what time and who did it. The Clear dentist gateway allows dentists to submit and view account and case info at any time over the web. Dental laboratories experiencing any of these indicators should contact Evident dental lab software for a requirement free on line demo of our solutions to the dental lab challenges of 2015.


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