Juice Incorporated. Released a new e-book to help sales professionals increase their results. The e-book offers particular tips, exercises and worksheets, not to replace but to enhance their current sales method. The e-book is an excerpt of Juice founder Brady Wilson’s book, “Finding the Stumbling Block : Boost Sales by Transforming Purchaser Resistance into Buyer Engagement.” Juice specializes in helping setups improve communication, collusion and performance.
To download a complimentary copy of the Sticking Point ebook, visit juiceinc . Finding the Stumbling Block outlines how sales conversations can show a customer’s obstacle so the sales person can move beyond that point and close a sale. The stumbling block is defined as the fear, the block, or the objection that stands in the way of a customer announcing yes to a sale.
It is crucial to point out the PDF isn't a how-to book on the mechanics of openings, qualifying, closing, or asking for the sale. It offers a technique, Pull Conversation, that might increase the fulfillment in executing any sales process. Pull Conversation is a tool that generates the type of understanding to make trust, respect and goodwill. Without these critical connections, patrons are less inclined to make a purchase. . Wilson is co-founder of Juice and very knowledgeable about how conversation has effects on organizational energy pressreleases to create dynamic results.
He's been called upon by Fortune five hundred clients, both domestically and in an international capacity, to help them utilise a “conversational system software” to conquer insurmountable challenges and achieve striking results. “I wrote the Stumbling Block book to reveal the role of patient, understanding, and decent conversations in a successful sales process,” expounded Wilson. “The e-book is a glimpse into the tools and techniques for applying the Pull Conversation to transform shopper resistance into purchaser engagement to extend sales.” . About Juice . Juice Inc. Delivers training and development services to increase worker engagement and productivity.
Juice’s conversation-enhancing methodology delivers a technique for enhancing the human experience at work, while driving worker performance and business results. For additional information, visit juiceinc . Contact : . Lara Hall . Juice Incorporated.
888-822-5479 . Lhall (at) juiceinc (dot) com . Adriana Saldana . HRmarketer . 831.722.9910 . Asaldana (at) hrmarketer (dot) com.