Guarneri String Quartet “French Album No. 1” Available On Audiophile Vinyl And Hi-def Digital Download


Lancia Media Factory news release distribution announces a new Guarneri String Quartet album, “French Album No. 1″ released worldwide on March fifteen, 2011. 1” features one of the seminal monuments to French quartet literature : Ravel’s String Quartet in F major, and reunites the quartet with Grammy winning producer Max Wilcox who recorded their mythical sessions with Artur Rubenstein. Founded in 1964, the Guarneri String Quartet was one of the most significant and revered ensembles in classical music till their retirement in 2009. Described by the N.Y. Times as “having no superior on the planet's stages” the first roster of Arnold Steinhardt (violin), John Dalley (violin), Michael Tree (viola), and David Soyer (cello) also had the excellence of being music’s longest-running inventive collaboration. This recording, made in their 37th year together, was the last by the first lineup.

Occupying the border between Romanticism and the early 20th Century, Ravel’s one string quartet stands among chamber music’s most alluring and beloved works. Delightfully translated and performed as only the Guarneri can, this superbly recorded album is the end result of 37 years of striking talent success, and emotional commitment from one of the best quartets in history. “French Album No. 1” is available from Lancia on audiophile-grade vinyl, and as 24 / 192 HD and MP3 / AAC downloads.

The track listing is like this : . 1. Allegro moderato – Tr232;s Doux . Two. Assez vif – Tr232;s Rythme . Three.

Tr232;s lent . Four. Vif et agite . Lancia Media Factory is a media content company formed in 2010 that specialises in new recordings and crucial reissues. The company’s goal is to supply cost-effective recordings of remarkable inventive and technical merit. To this end, Lancia’s albums are available on audiophile-grade 180g vinyl and as HD digital downloads and priced up at $7.98.


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