BrainStorming your Knowledge

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The tenth ERP Seller Shootout(TM) Clarifying Software Selection through a Comparative View of the Leading ERP Products on the Market, May 18-19, 2011, Chicago, IL TAGS: | | | | | <!–ACNTP With record attendance at the last event, more firms are finding that attending the ERP Seller Shootout(TM) is the way to go when evaluating Firm Software. Companies from every …Continue reading →

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New Ebook From Juice Inc. Helps Sales Execs Increase Efficacy By Getting Past The “Sticking Point” TAGS: <!–ACNTP Juice Incorporated. Released a new e-book to help sales professionals increase their results. The e-book offers particular tips, exercises and worksheets, not to replace but to enhance their current …Continue reading →

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