BrainStorming your Knowledge

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Gerry Mulligan’s “Little Big Horn” Available On Audiophile Vinyl And For The First Time As A Digital Download TAGS: | | | | | <!–ACNTP Lancia Media Factory is proud to announce the releasing of “Small Gigantic Horn” by the legendary baritone saxophone player Gerry Mulligan. “Little Giant Horn” exemplifies Gerry’s career-long custom of …Continue reading →

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turboSMTP Announces Cooperation with Email Marketing Software SendBlaster TAGS: | | | | | <!–ACNTP turboSMTP Corp, a quick growing pro SMTP service, today confirmed a co-marketing partnership with eDisplay srl, the major supplier of the prize-winning e-mail marketing software SendBlaster. Thru this partnership, …Continue reading →

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Medium Blue Search Engine Marketing Named a Finalist for 2011 American Promoting Association Award | Top Ten Search Engine. TAGS: | | <!–ACNTP Atlanta-based Medium Blue Search Engine Optimization is happy to announce its nomination for an American Promoting Association's Atlanta Marketing pro of the Year award, for the fifth time in …Continue reading →

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Purchaser Boxed Software Sales Stabilize In 2010 – According To The NPD Group :- zuma deluxe. TAGS: | | | | | <!–ACNTP There is still life in the shopper boxed software market, despite reports of the demise of the industry, according to leading market research company The NPD Group news release …Continue reading →

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