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MacXDVD Software Newly Updating for iPad 2 with DVD Ripper, Video Converter and iPad Pack Software – Microsoft Access Bible. TAGS: | | | | | <!–ACNTP Apple revealed the iPad 2 earlier than public speculation . There will be given to understand that 2011 is actually going to be the year of the iPad two. …Continue reading →

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ProCare Software 1st In Industry To Attain Level One PCI Compliance TAGS: | | | | | <!–ACNTP The audit was conducted by Coalfire of Seattle, Washington. “ProCare Software demonstrated industry leadership by validating compliance to the Payment Card Industry Data Integrity Standard (PCI DSS) for its …Continue reading →

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The Booth Company Increases Languages Offered Thru Its Survey Hosting Platform TruScore(TM) TAGS: | | <!–ACNTP Emerging markets are growing at a rapid pace and U.S. Companies with presence in these markets are investing in multi language leadership development tools to accommodate a global workforce. …Continue reading →

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